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Month: June 2016

July 1st 1916-2016

Posted on 30th June 2016 by Julie and David Thomson in General News.

July 1st 1916-2016 When you open this newsletter the commemorative events for 1st July will be well underway. We will report on the events in our next newsletter. We ourselves will have attended the Lochnagar ceremony. Last night vigils were taking place at Thiepval and Lochnagar. We, together with our guests, held a candle lit vigil in our garden at no.fifty6 which sits on a German trench.

For us it is all about remembrance. A moment and place in time that is forever etched in our psyche which reverberates across the century.

Remembrance for the fallen of all sides has begun. We have received many messages from across the globe as people join with us, wherever they may be, to reflect on those events of 100 years ago on this historic day. The lives changed irrevocably, the lives cut short, those left behind, all are in our thoughts today.

This is one of our favourite poems by war poet Ewart Allen Mackintosh.


By Ewart Alan Mackintosh

Well, you have gone now, comrades,
And I shall see no more
The gallant friendly faces
Framed in my dug-out door.
I have no words to tell you
The things I longed to say,
But the company is empty
Since you have gone away.

The company is filled now
With faces strange to see,
And scarce a man of the old men
That lived and fought with me.
I know the drafts are good men,
I know they’re doing well,
But they’re not the men I slept with
Those nights at La Boisselle.

Oh, the days of friendship
We shall not see again,
The little winter trenches
And the marches in the rain.
Becourt, Authuille, Thiepval,
Herancourt, Aveluy,
These names are keys that open
Remembered doors to me.

Doors that will open never,
Upon this tortured land.
I shall not see you ever,
Or take you by the hand.
Only for ancient friendship,
For all the times we knew,
Maybe you will remember
As I remember you.

Please join us, in a moment of quiet reflection on 1 July. Soldier, sleep sound.

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